• The Signature Frame is sophisticated and sleek in nature, and now is dressed up in a trendy blue. It lends itself to any style of home décor and frames your moments beautifully… Dimensions: 5″ L x 0.75″ W x 5″H
  • At Mariposa, we celebrate the passion of food and the splendor of making others feel at home. In short, we have a gift for entertaining. Our unique collections are a result of our own innovative designers collaborating with superior artisans worldwide to bring the best of foreign cultures back home.
  • More details on Amazon.
  • FYI –>
    • bsky .app/profile/ (‘ Minnesota’s exports surged to $6.7 billion last quarter, over three times the national average growth rate. Nearly 200 countries look to our state’s workforce to put food on the table or manufacture their goods. The world recognizes the value of doing business with Minnesota. ‘)
    • facebook .com/photo/?fbid=1048910706693054 (‘ 👂👉Tim Walz : Everyone impacted by Hurricane Helene is on my mind. Asheville welcomed me with open arms just over a week ago, and my heart breaks to see the devastation there and across the South. The Vice President and I are grateful to the first responders who’ve stepped up to help their neighbors. ‘)
    • facebook .com/photo/?fbid=1047144193536372 (‘ 👂👉Tim Walz : A little rain can’t keep us from the big Michigan-Minnesota game! And it’s not gonna stop these students from making sure that everyone on their campus is registered to vote. IWillVote com ‘)
    • threads .gov/file-a-complaint/price-gouging (‘ Amy Klobuchar : We must protect our kids from the dangers they can face online. That’s why I worked to get legislation to protect kids from the harms of social media through the Senate, and we must pass these bills into law. ‘)
    • wellstonememorial .org (‘ Near this site on October 25, 2002- twelve days before Election Day­ a plane carrying United States Senator Paul Wellstone… his wife Sheila Wellstone, their daughter Marcia Wellstone Markuson, and three campaign staff members, Tom Lapic, Mary McEvoy, and Will McLaughlin.🕯️… 7343 Bodas Road, Eveleth, MN 55734 ‘)
    • startribune .com/late-sen-paul-wellstones-green-campaign-bus-gets-pulled-out-of-the-woods/601152130 (‘ The bus had been parked on a farm for years. Now the late senator’s son, Dave Wellstone, has big plans for the rolling artifact from his father’s statewide campaigns. By Rochelle Olson ‘)
    • threads .net/@mngovernor/post/DAbp-pcJkPz (‘ Governor Tim Walz : Climate change threatens the things that make Minnesota a great place to live – including our farmable land. With historic investments, we’re providing farmers the resources they need to adapt to climate impacts and strengthen our agricultural economy. ‘)
    • instagram .com/timwalz/reel/DAMCmDkpAtr (‘ Grateful for the support of over 50 HBCU football legends. ‘)
    • instagram .com/timwalz/reel/DATTJDfp1Dp (‘ Like the sign says: Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy. ‘)
    • instagram .com/timwalz/reel/DAblPBAprfC (‘ @anthonyramosofficial and I are on the same page: Never underestimate the impact a teacher can have. ‘)
    • threads .net/@mngovernor/post/DARjQ-NyJB4 (‘ Tim Walz : This is your sign to get outdoors and explore all that Minnesota has to offer this fall. 🍂 ‘)
    • instagram .com/timwalz/reel/C_YpsOcJDjC (‘ Tim Walz : Breakfast of champions: pork chop on a stick. ‘)



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