Silver Plate Picture Frame, GIFTME


  •  Display one 5×7 inch picture frame,Easy-open tabs on the back let you load your photos quickly
  • Horizontal or Vertical – Tabletop picture frames,easy to remove backing
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  • FYI –>
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1346240037378269186 (‘  3-01-2021, We need more MEP on board. : -The investment agreement must be ratified by the European Parliament before it can take effect, and it faces signification opposition that could derail it.- With Concessions and Deals, China’s Leader Tries to Box Out Joe Biden. Nathan Law ‘)
    • twitter .com/paritchi/status/1340608017285279744 (‘ paritchi : เรามาเดินใส่ครอปท็อปเดินห้างเพื่อให้กำลังใจน้องสายน้ำ เยาวชนอายุ 16 ปี ซึ่งถูกยัด 112 เพราะใส่ครอปท็อปเดินแฟชั่น เราจะต้องช่วยกันยืนยันว่าสิ่งที่น้องทำไม่ผิดกฎหมาย ลำพังตัวกฎหมาย 112 ก็แย่มากอยู่แล้ว และการใช้ 112 กับเยาวชนด้วยพฤติการณ์นี้ถือว่าทุเรศทุรังที่สุด #ใครๆก็ใส่ครอปท็อป ‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1341853525186400259 (‘ 23-12-2020,  Mhua : China is a great danger to democracy. Some politicians are ready to sleep with China like Trump. It is the younger generations who will pay the price. It is time for them to be well informed, well interested in politics. The proof, the covid-19 virus, if the Western leaders react as it did with England, instead of listening to the lie of China… The proof, the covid-19 virus, if the Western leaders react as it did with England, instead of listening to the lie of China… Via Nathan Law 羅冠聰   ‘)
    • twitter .com/CharlesRollet1/status/1336341099917406214 (‘ 8-12-2020,  Charles Rollet : @Huawei and @Megvii worked together to test and validate ‘Uyghur alarms’ in facial recognition software, per a document found by @ipvideo ‘)
    • twitter .com/Anne_MarieBrady/status/1337306284706566149 (‘ 11-12-2020 : Anne-Marie Brady : I’m back. I cleared my name. Thank you for all the support I received from my academic peers at University of Canterbury and around the world, from NZ Members of Parliament, and from the many people in Aotearoa and across the world who have offered support. Cheers! via Luke de Pulford 裴倫德 @lukedepulford; THANK YOU, Merci, 謝謝, ありがとうございました, Cảm ơn ‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1335325877975064577 (‘  5-12-2020, Mhua : Today, Nathan Law is warning the world, “don’t just think about economic growth, business opportunities with China only.” Yes, he’s right, people needs to be well informed. If countries come together to boycott Chinese products, China will not get far. This country is unreliable and tries to intimidate Australia imposing 212% tariffs on Australian wine in revenge for Canberra’s stance against human rights violations, genocide against the people Uyghur, and the repression of Hong Kong. So, like a virus CIVID-19, China quietly succeeds in killing Westerners. It is time for them to wake up and take action against China. Now ! ‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1337328104059101185 (‘ 11-12-2020, UK failure to impose sanctions on China over Uighurs ‘painful and hurtful’; Luke de Pulford 裴倫德, Nathan Law 羅冠聰  ‘)
    • twitter .com/USAinUK/status/1334844159874768896 (‘ 4-12-2020, The 🇺🇸 continues to work with the 🇬🇧 and our allies around the world to champion the rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong and all those who suffer under the CCPs repressive rule , Secretary Pompeo @SecPompeo via Nathan Law ‘)
    • unherd .com/thepost/hong-kong-dissident-100000-could-move-to-britain-next-year (‘ 3-12-2020, the interview @nathanlawkc, @freddiesayers and @unherd , the West must be more aware of the threat from China and hold them accountable for human rights violations in Xinjiang and foreign interference in states like his own… ‘)
    • twitter .com/loktinau/status/1334100322554241024 (. 2-12-2020, 【どうして周庭の判決不公平なのか】テーマ通り、#周庭 #アグネス #黃之鋒、 #IvanLam に関する判決について詳しくて議論した。’ Why is Agnes Chow’s decision unfair? Wang Shire , facebook .com/nokhinau/posts/3447232545367115 , 區諾軒 Au Nok Hin ケン ‘)
    • twitter .com/SpeakerPelosi/status/1334188694224441351 (‘ 2-12-2020,  Nancy Pelosi : China’s brutal sentencing of three pro-democracy leaders in Hong Kong is appalling. We call on all freedom-loving people around the world to join us in denouncing this unjust sentencing & China’s widespread assault on Hong Kongers’ autonomy & freedom.  ‘)
    • speaker .gov/newsroom/12220-4 (‘ Nancy Pelosi : “China’s brutal sentencing of these young champions of democracy in Hong Kong is appalling. This injustice is clear proof that Beijing will stop at nothing to stamp out dissent and to destroy the freedoms and real autonomy guaranteed to the people of Hong Kong. ‘)
    • marchehua .com (‘ 2-12-2020, Today the whole world is in deep trouble with the pandemic: 1.49M people have lost their lives in the world because the Chinese people do not have freedom of expression. Instead of trying to contain the virus, Beijing with brainless police locked up the medics. And just yesterday they jailed our heroes, Hong Kong democracy activists Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow, and Ivan Lam. So friends send Agnes Chow a happy birthday wish tomorrow 3-12-2020, and call your local MPs to ask them to follow the lead of the 155 parliamentarians from 18 countries who sent an open letter to Carrie Lam yesterday. and unite to show solidarity with the people of Hong Kong. Boycott Chinese products  ‘)
    • twitter .com/joshuawongcf/status/1333417822412738563 (‘ At the time of uncertainties, some of us may feel uneasy and anxious, but I ensure you that all these pains and sufferings would only strengthen our courage and conviction for democracy and justice. Cages cannot lock up souls. picture via 小白鼠先生 @shiroihamusan, RTHK ‘)
    • vanityfair .it/news/cronache/2020/11/29/joshua-wong-arrestato-di-nuovo-nulla-fermera-il-mio-attivismo (‘ Sto ancora imparando a vincere la paura, ma sento che voi siete con me in questo viaggio. Il messaggio di @joshuawongcf raccolto dal @PartitoRadicale e dal @GlobalCRL, autori di un appello già indirizzato al Parlamento italiano” @marfeluca @VanityFair ‘)
    • theatlantic .com/international/archive/2020/08/pandemic-protest-double-standard-authoritarianism/615622 (‘ A few days prior to that incident, Lo Kin-hei, another prodemocracy district councilor, was ticketed for social-distancing violations during a demonstration outside the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in response to news that officials in Beijing would draft the national-security law. Lo later told me that the contradictions in enforcement were nakedly obvious. “It is just a very convenient way to make use of the coronavirus epidemic in Hong Kong,” he said. “It is basically used as a means to kill off all the protests.” via  Jeffrey Ngo ‘)
    • twitter .com/matanevenoff/status/1332536924347588608 (‘ listen to Matan Even : @joshuawongcf was recently arrested for an “illegal” protest back in 2019. Since the #CoronaVirus outbreak the #HongKong protests have slowed… #FREEJOSHUAWONG  ‘)
    • twitter .com/patpichatan/status/1331198071288463368 (‘ 24-11-2020, Patpicha Best  : The Thai activists said they felt thankful for Hong Kong activists for being their “allies” and supporting the Thai protests. Support for Hong Kong has also become rallying cries for Thais who say their government is too authoritarian and too close to Beijing. #MilkTeaAlliance via Jeffrey Ngo 敖卓軒  ‘)
    • twitter .com/chowtingagnes/status/1332296147541454849 (‘ 27-11-2020, Agnes Chow : 外で3日の誕生日を祝えることを願っています。寂しい時もありますが、がんばります。今、私は一生懸命この環境に適応しようとしています。食欲はないけど、食べる努力もしています。ありがとうございます。THANK YOU ‘)
    • marchehua .com (‘ Oui, nous avons un signe de vie d’Agnes Chow le 28/11/2020 via Jeffrey Ngo 敖卓軒, @FNN_News. Elle assure aux Japonais qu’elle se sent plus forte… Oui, n’oubliez jamais pourquoi qu’on enferme des gens qui prennent soin de nous tous les jours. Ils se sont sacrifiés pour nous, ils nous ont informés d’ importation des tests de coronavirus de la Chine vers Hong Kong, pendant que le pays est dans la pénurie de masques, ils ont cherché des masques pour nous et envoyés des chirurgicaux aux États-Unis, aux Canada, en Europe aussi. Donc, ne baissez pas les bras, le simple fait de parler au tour de vous fait qu’indirectement, on a un oeil sur eux… Que Dieu les protège. – Stand with Hong Kong Tks-> 冼朗然 @sinlongyinryan – ‘)
    • twitter .com/FNN_News/status/1332612255712645121 (‘ 4:08 AM · Nov 28, 2020 収監”周庭さん 日本人にメッセージ 「心が強くなりました」, via Jeffrey Ngo 敖卓軒 ‘)
    • twitter .com/benedictrogers/status/1331578812157587459 (‘ 25-11-2020, The situation in Hong Kong is very serious, the proof is there, the sheltering arrest of opponents, the violation of human rights, etc. Did England fail her duty this time? I hope Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯, Managing Director and Founder of Hong Kong Watch will act quickly to save lives. THANK YOU ‘)
    • twitter .com/jeffreychngo/status/1331351341894160387 (‘ 24-11-2020, Sos, urgent, my friends, do you do everything possible to ensure that our heroes have the minimum of personal protection in times of the pandemic, every minute counts… THANKS A lot; Message from Jeffrey Ngo 敖卓軒 : I just spoke with the friend who visited @joshuawongcf earlier. A detail not disclosed in news accounts thus far is that he’s forced to use the surgical masks at hand — which aren’t even that effective in blocking light — as makeshift blindfolds. This is a human-rights violation. ‘)
    • marchehua .com (‘ 23-11-2020, GM turns its back on trump on pollution in california, the company emphasizes the development of electric cars. furthermore GM encourages others to do the same. There you go, it’s simple, the right recipe is always the best and the earth can breathe better, right? By the way, the small group of Chinese, why do you want to rule the world? Is 1.4 m of deaths from covid-19 worldwide not enough? even if you lock up Joshua Wong and the others, you cannot rule the world, so make peace, work harder, and encourage the king of thailand, Maha Vajiralongkorn to work for a living… , #SaveJoshuaWong  ‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1330970447945543681 (‘ 23-11-2020, It’s dispairing to witness your dearest friends being imprisoned while you are living in exile. Yes, you have your role overseas. Yet, no matter how hard I work, a sense of guilt always haunts me. I feel like I owe them something that I cannot repay. A speechless night. #save12hkyouths ‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1327209161881509888 (‘ 11-11-2020, Nathan Law received the award of ÚSTR Award for Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights from The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes. The Czech people had suffered the horror of Communist autocracy and the Hong Kong people fight for freedom together. #FreeHK, COOL, So friends, you have to work hard to protect system democracy.  ‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1327569726361440259 (‘ “We need an alliance that includes major democracies in the world – and to combat the authoritarian expansion of China. #StandWithHongKong ” ‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1324850594797027329 (‘ 7-11-2020, A CCTV with technology that tracks Uyghurs. This is extremely worrying and proof of how surveillance technology is manipulated by CCP to conduct ethnic cleansing. Nathan Law 羅冠聰 ‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1323349954887323648 (‘ It was a great and fruitful dialogue with Shaun Bailey, @ShaunBaileyUK. He has a kind heart to push forward changes, especially for a London community that welcomes Hongkongers more. Looking forward to talking to more politicians to spread the voice of Hong Kong. #StandwithHongKong, Nathan Law 羅冠 ‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1322907893549748224 (‘ 1-11-2020, Hong Kong Diaries : We asked @nathanlawkc for a statement on the German China Relations and what has to be done, here‘s what he had to say…; marchehua : Westerners should seek other partners ; Les Occidentaux devraient chercher d’autres partenaires ‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1321421787662557186 (‘ In the fight against authoritarianism, these young voices are crucial, he says. “We shouldn’t take our freedom for granted. You must have eternal vigilance and always be aware of what’s happening in your society. ft .com via @financialtimes, Nathan Law 羅冠聰 ‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1321364721715597313 (‘ We should now hold China accountable ; marchehua : abiraire arrest, covid-19 global pandemic  ‘)
    • twitter .com/eviannesuen/status/1320005241149001732 (‘ 24-10-2020, video, Former political party and student leader @nathanlawkc emphasises the importance of global solidarity to continue #HongKong’s democracy movement and pressuring the #CCP. “Although the road to revolution is long…our efforts will be acknowledged by its success,” he says. Evianne Suen 孫穎雯 ;  THANK YOU all of you ‘)
    • twitter .com/nathanlawkc/status/1320776564024528898 (‘ Nathan Law 羅冠聰 : A pleasure to meet my friend @MrWinMarshall of @MumfordAndSons at the #Save12HKYouths rally. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.” —Martin L. King #StandwithHK  ‘)
    • twitter .com/joshuawongcf/status/1321988516755075073 (‘ Unfree Speech: The Threat to Global Democracy and Why We Must Act  by Joshua Wong 黃之鋒  ‘)
    • twitter .com/matanevenoff/status/1322365418577620993 (‘ 30-10-2020, Joshua Wong, Matan Even : video, The #HongKong police in the past month have arrested #JoshuaWong and #TonyChung under the #NationalSecurityLaw on Hong Kong! The Hong Kong police used 4 members to aggressively arrest and detain Tony Chung who was complying with them! This needs to be known, and stopped! ‘)
    • twitter .com/benedictrogers/status/1331765623031009285 (‘ 25-11-2020, thank You Mr. Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯, Have a nice day! ‘)
    • theguardian .com/world/2020/nov/28/thai-protesters-flood-street-with-rubber-ducks-in-coup-prevention-drill (‘ Next week a constitutional court in Bangkok will rule on whether Prayut Chan-O-Cha has broken rules by living in an army house, despite the fact the former general is no longer in the military’s top brass. Losing the case could see Prayut forced out of office. ‘)
    • capx .co/in-vino-veritas-lets-stand-up-to-chinas-bullying-by-buying-australian-wine (‘ #freedomwine , #SolidarityWithAustralia by buying Australian wine.  Thank You ‘)
    • vice .com/en/article/4adaw3/the-rise-and-fall-of-hong-kongs-mulan (‘ 5-12-2020, Katsunobu Kato, chief cabinet secretary to Japanese prime minister Yoshihide Suga and the government’s top spokesman, said he voiced “grave concerns” with Beijing over the imprisonment of Chow, Wong and Lam.  via Nathan Law 羅冠聰 ‘)
    • theguardian .com/world/2020/dec/07/stronger-together-taiwan-foreign-minister-urges-new-alliance-against-china (‘ “Whoever is affected by Chinese expansionism will turn around and [ask] is it good for me to do business with this country? I’m sure you see that Japan, the United States, India, and now Australia, [as well as] many other countries including in the European Union are now saying hey, maybe this is the time for us to rethink the strategy for dealing with China…, Taiwan foreign minister Joseph Wu says country is ‘prepared’ for China attack ‘)



Package Dimensions : 9.4 x 7.55 x 1.14 inches
Item Weight : 14.5 ounces
A SIN : B07RQQD569

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