Silver Turkish Greek Armenian Coffee Cups, Inner Porcelain
☕ Casting & Carving Turkish Coffee Cups: Espresso Cup with Inner Porcelain Metal Holder Plate and Lid – 2 Set 8 Pcs Best Gift Idea. Hand Made Single Turkish Greek Arabic Moroccan Coffee Espresso Cup
☕ Handmade Quality Material: Porcelain Cup & Copper, Silver, Bronze and Gold 4 Differend Models. 2 Inner Porcelain Cups, 2 Metal Cup Holders, 2 Saucers, 2 Lids
twitter .com/lenapatsa/status/1473804907752923144 (‘ Lena Patsa : Stop forcing those who choose to wear an N95 respirator to replace it with a medical mask. – Sign the Petition! ‘)
twitter .com/lenapatsa/status/1488318867445190658 (‘ Lena Patsa : Came for a quick pickup, stayed ‘cause I have the entire floor to myself. This FEAR ON FOUR episode brought me here. Highly recommend listening after dark, in as an “expanded state of consciousness” as you can handle. My #N95 is still on, to be clear. ✍️ , #N95sWorkBetter,#n95, #bcpoli, #COVIDIsAirborne ‘)
twitter .com/heiltsuk_paleo/status/1486815862136848385 (‘ Don Wilson : You are mandated to pay your income tax & GST. You are mandated to wear a seatbelt & not to drink & drive. You are mandated to not assault people. You are mandated to stop at red lights & not speed. Life without mandates is a recipe for societal chaos. And here we are. via @GrantAllison, @lenapatsa. Stay Safe! wear the mask to protect yourself, and others ‘)
twitter .com/WalkerBragman/status/1484994503224311809 (‘ video, Walker Bragman : Whose COVID burnout we focus on matters. via @lenapatsa ‘)
twitter .com/U_dioica/status/1487310762389475329 (‘ 🇬🇷 “Ο ιός δεν κουράστηκε. Δυστυχώς όμως κουράστηκαν πολλοί. Κουράστηκαν κι αυτοί που πρόσεχαν, αλλά κουράστηκαν ακόμα κι αυτοί που δεν στερήθηκαν κοινωνικές επαφές, αυτοί που έβγαζαν τις μυτούλες να παίρνουν αέρα, αυτοί που δεν έκαναν εμβόλιο.”, via @lenapatsa ‘)
twitter .com/WalkerBragman/status/1485291478771458061 (‘ Walker Bragman : While you’re here, read my investigative report with @alexkotch about how Charles Koch’s network has been waging a war on public health measures since the pandemic began, trying to keep America open for business: ‘)
marchehua .com/product/seal-pillow-stuffed-cotton-plush-animal-toy-cute (‘ ” Mes amis, la plupart des immigrés qui ont fui leur pays sont de la classe moyenne et riche. ils sont prêts à recommencer leur vie à zéro. Maintenant les voyous ont besoin des parents pour fontionner leur économie sans être transparents. Pire, ils refusent de rendre les école et les lieux de travail sécuritaires. Alors, pensez-y, votre santé n’a pas de prix…” ‘)
twitter .com/GrantAllison/status/1487175897425727488 (‘ Allison Grant : I can’t be an ER/Critical Care nurse anymore. It’s time to step away. I faced unspeakable horror and fear for far too long… and my resolve to find health and happiness is winning out. I deserve better. My family deserves better from me… Read the full conversation on Twitter. via @lenapatsa ‘)
inquirer .com/health/coronavirus/omicron-covid-variant-prepardness-vaccines-masks-testing-20220129.html (‘ What can we learn from omicron? Here are 7 steps public health leaders say we should take before the next surge : 1-Vaccination, 2-Mask mandates, 3-Post-acute care, 4-Testing availability, *Increasing access to testing, masks, and other supplies is also critical*. 5-See other patients, 6-Staff shortage 7-Public health investment …“now we don’t know what the future could be, but we know how bad it can be. We learned the downside of inaction.” via @PhillyInquirer ‘)
twitter .com/PhillyInquirer/status/1487793974249078787 (‘ Henry C. Lea Elementary stands on the precipice of great possibility — and the city is watching.. ‘)
twitter .com/PhillyInquirer/status/1487923868819935233 (‘ The coming weeks should bring a new phase in the pandemic, as policy shifts and a supply of up to a billion free, government-issued rapid test kits for home use promise to make diagnosing COVID-19 at home cheaper and easier. ‘)
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