Stand with Ukraine Stickers, Sticker

  • QUALITY: This UV Protected Laminated Sticker is Great for Indoor or Outdoor Use. Weather and Sun Resistant Laminate allows for a Long Life even in the Outdoors
  • Support the country and people of Ukraine, and the American people stand with them.
  • FYI –>
    • twitter .com/olex_scherba/status/1499735742821679105 (‘  Six years ago my heart was bleeding for Aleppo. Today the world weeps for Ukraine. Weeping doesn’t help. The world has to stop this pure evil called #Putin. #StandWithUkraine️ #StopPutinNOW ‘)
    • twitter .com/DmytroKuleba/status/1499739008364077059 (‘ Dmytro Kuleba : Took part in the extraordinary meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers. My message: act now before it’s too late. Don’t let Putin turn Ukraine into Syria. We are ready to fight. We will continue fighting. But we need partners to help us with concrete, resolute and swift actions, now.,   4-03-2022 ‘)
    • twitter .com/DmytroKuleba/status/1499744011543887876 (‘  Russian FM Lavrov spreads disinfo by falsely alleging Ukraine wants to restore its nuclear arsenal. Once again: This is a cynical, blatant lie by Russia who itself fires at nuclear facilities in Ukraine. Safe zones must be established around them to prevent disaster in Europe. ‘)
    • twitter .com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1499319625296887809  (‘  Talked to 🇰🇷 President Moon Jae-in @moonriver365. Informed about counteraction to Russia. About the crimes of the aggressor. Thanked 🇰🇷 for supporting 🇺🇦 and imposing sanctions. We will continue to work together building an anti-war coalition around the world. “Провів розмову з Президентом 🇰🇷 Мун Чже Іном @moonriver365. Поінформував про протидію РФ, про злочини агресора. Подякував за підтримку 🇺🇦 з боку 🇰🇷, за запровадження санкцій. Працюватимемо разом далі. Розбудовуємо антивоєнну коаліцію по всьому світу. “‘)
    • twitter .com/nilikm/status/1497256806640459786 (‘  video, Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth :  Please listen and share. Who is affected by war? Everyone. Ordinary people. Public figures, journalists, musicians, actors, athletes, scientists, doctors, bloggers… Toddlers, teenagers, grandparents. Historically, many of us have been/will be them. #StandWithUkraine #PeaceNotWar  , @p_zalewski  ‘)
    • twitter .com/christogrozev/status/1498678619639533570 (‘ Fucking criminals sent a missile to the tv tower , 1-03-2022  ‘)
    • twitter .com/christogrozev/status/1499096450726301696 (‘  School with a missile hole. Something that should never have existed. ‘)
    • twitter .com/christogrozev/status/1499120917821149189 (‘ The age gap between the youngest and oldest protesters at anti-war rallies in Russia is impressive.  2-03-2022 ‘)
    • twitter .com/christogrozev/status/1499120917821149189 (‘ The Verkhovna Rada in action! Today we adopted a number of crucial laws: – Strengthening the responsibility for crimes against the foundations of Ukraine’s national security in times of martial law (looting, sabotage, high treason will be punished by life sentence) ,  2-03-2022 ‘)
    • twitter .com/AVindman/status/1499426367171137539 (‘  Alexander S. Vindman : Send UCAVs, now. This is not escalatory. Ukraine already receives TB-2s from Turkey. UCAVs plug a critical gap in long-range fires & replenish for the losses in the Ukraine Air Force. UCAVs can knockout Russian long-range fires… planes, helicopters, and ballistic missiles. ‘)
    • twitter .com/mhmck/status/1499424509153222664 (‘ Michael MacKay : Destroy the Kerch bridge. Remove the only means on the ground the Russian invaders have to resupply their offensive in the south of Ukraine.  via @AVindman ‘)
    • twitter .com/AVindman/status/1499424213756743685 (‘ Michael MacKay : If you want a deep-five on Ukraine and a view on how this might end. Listen to this podcast. I’m told is really good. | via @NYTOpinion  ,  ‘)
    • twitter .com/VetVoiceFound/status/1499376548440420356 (‘ The challenges we’ve faced have never been more intense. Today, Vet Voice Foundation announces a new CEO @jgoldbeck, a bold new mission, and a partnership with LTC (Ret.) Alexander Vindman @AVindman. “The fact is, when a veteran speaks out, lawmakers listen.” WATCH:..  ‘)
    • twitter .com/olex_scherba/status/1499311842795081729 (‘  Zelensky now: maybe we don’t have all the oil and gas of the world – but we have our people, it’s our land. Want to defend Russian-speakers? – go do it in Russia! Slava Ukraini! #StandWithUkraine️, #StopPutinNOW  ‘)
    • twitter .com/DmytroKuleba/status/1499362826133151747 (‘  Dmytro Kuleba :  Worrying reports: Russians might have pointed multiple rocket-launching systems in the Russian border village of Popovka towards their own territory. Knowing the barbaric nature of Russian actions we fear a false flag operation might be prepared in order to accuse Ukraine.  ‘)
    • twitter .com/olex_scherba/status/1499405734043271173 (‘  Invaders attacked civilians who stood in their way and entered #Enerhodar – home to Europe’s largest nuclear power plant. #PutinIsaWarCriminal #putinhitler #RussiaUkraine #RussiaGoHome  ‘)
    • twitter .com/olex_scherba/status/1499408091774955520 (‘  video, Here is Ukraine’s chief rabbi cursing you, scumbags!   ‘)
    • twitter .com/McFaul/status/1499396606986100741 (‘  Starting in a hour. Join us. Words and War: Ukrainian Writers Reflect on a Moment of Crisis, ‘)
    • twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1499419380995661833 (‘  Liz Truss says UK has been at “forefront in tightening vice on Kremlin through sanctions” adding “it is vital to keep our foot on the gas” In other news Boris Johnson has just given Russia’s 2nd biggest bank VTB a 30-day exemption for clients to close transactions & move assets   ‘)
    • twitter .com/olgatokariuk/status/1499619132756668417 (‘  Olga Tokariuk : Bringing his own chair, sitting few meters from a crowd of journalists, speaking his mind with sincerity and courage, not afraid of anything: meet Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky, a true leader of the free world  , @ronzheimer, 🥰   ‘)
    • twitter .com/ArmedForcesUkr/status/1499710661865127940 (‘  video,  💙💛🐦  ‘)


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