twitter .com/DFisman/status/1650115504479010817 (‘ The difficulty is that they’ll get shovels in the ground as legal processes drag. And once that’s done it’s a fait accompli, as they well know ‘)
twitter .com/drgurner/status/1636429749533720594 (‘ Dr. Julie Gurner : The Bravest things you can do in life:1. Be unabashedly yourself 2. Go after exactly what you want, It’s amazing how many people will try to stop you from both, who will never have the courage for either. @danaparish ‘)
cbc .ca/news/canada/toronto/unemployed-ukrainians-canada-1.6769902 (‘ 🆘Yuri Ivanenko fears he will need to return to war-torn Ukraine if he cannot find employment soon, Yuri Ivanenko, who speaks multiple languages and has decades of work experience, primarily as a sales or purchase manager, says he’s applied to jobs at every level to no avail. Toronto , Mar 09, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1604852858586660867 (‘ Cities for Everyone : Great work by Canada at #COP15. Now, consistency: @ J u s t i n T r u d e a u & @ s _ G u i l b e a u l t must declare all urban growth in Canada must be within existing footprint. Do NOT take one meter of Greenbelt or agri-lands. #ClimateChange emerg. @katecAllen #Cities4Everyone, *👂Some good news for a change as countries at COP15 agree to ‘transformational’ deal to protect third of the planet by 2030… *, Dec 19, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/FrameToFrameBJ/status/1634332064106389504 (‘ Land Defenders: “Take a good long look at Duffins Rouge…owned by the De Gasperis family. Set to develop for mid level housing-housing that CAN be made in the over 80000 acres available INSIDE established southern Ontario cities.” #Pickering @kabradshaw42 , Land Defenders Unity Coaltion ‘)
twitter .com/ChildrensClima1/status/1631776025871777792 (‘ Children’s Climate Championship : Great being at the @UofT #Fridays4Future #GlobalClimateStrike meeting new friends and seeing old ones! #TomorrowIsTooLate #EndFossilFinance #ClimateActionNow #FridaysForFuture#ClimateJusticeNow #FossilFuelsHaveGotToGo #ManItWasCold @StopEcocideCan @FosFreeResearch @EcocideLaw 🐢🦦, Mar 3, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/FrameToFrameBJ/status/1633178743404478465 (‘ FrameToFrameNature : Right now 💣TACC💣 surveyors are driving stakes into the farmfields in the #Greenbelt in Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve along Sideline 34 in #DurhamRegion #onpoli #Ontario #FirstNations #NoSprawlDurham @Rouge_Valley_CC @GreenbeltAllies #HandsOffTheGreenbelt ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1632004426834608128 (‘ Gil Penalosa : #Nature. Magnificent. Beauty. Mar 4, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/BrentToderian/status/1578511220000559104 (‘ Brent Toderian ,WATCH: Great cities reject false choices like “density Vs nature” and build livable, lovable, equitable & truly GREEN cities. That’s what Toronto Mayoral Candidate @Penalosa_G & I talked about earlier this year as part of his inspiring FREE webinar series., Oct 7, 2022 ‘)
twitter .com/DavidHamer_1951/status/1630539284548558852 (‘ David Hamer : The stated rationale for Doug Ford’s greenbelt vandalism grows increasingly threadbare, and sheer grift is more and more likely to be the real motive.🙄🤥🙄#onpoli @ f o r d n a t i o n @ O n t a r i o P C P a r t y #buckanddoegate, Feb 28, 2023 ‘)
marchehua .om (‘ Tout ce monde va être détruit par certains amis de Doug Ford, pire, c’est juste ce qu’on voit, l’avenir apparaît autre chose. à Los Angeles, l’été c’est le feu de la forêt, l’hiver c’est la tempête de neige, laissant de milliers de familles sans électricité. alors luttons plus fort pour les protéger, et renvoyons aussi les gens qui sont là pour détruire les biens publics ‘)
twitter .com/nytimes/status/1635764009184927745 (‘ Another storm is sweeping through California with strong winds, heavy rain and snow in the mountains. Significant flooding is expected to spread across the Central Valley and into the Sierra Nevada foothills. Mar 14, 2023 ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
twitter .com/ChildrensClima1/status/1632909423180931075 (‘ Stop the willow project : The Willow Master Development Plan is the largest proposed oil development project on public lands. Willow would emit more climate pollution annually than more than 99.7% of all single point sources in the country… there are still many Iñupiat and other Arctic Indigenous people that oppose this project and its consequences. With the concerns of the environment, climate, and Indigenous communities, it is vital that the Willow Project is declined. – Sign the Petition! Sign✍️ the Petition, THANK YOU, Stay Safe!, Mar 6, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/_cole97__/status/1630956736994504706 (‘ Sick and tired of Galen Weston and his dumb sweater vests raising prices every chance they get? Shop local, it’s pretty much the same prices now anyway🤷🏼♂️ via @FrameToFrameBJ ‘)
twitter .com/iamdavidmiller/status/1633846439838351360 (‘ In 2011 the new Council and Mayor inherited a Government with an operating surplus, a new revenue source (the Land Transfer Tax), and improving services. They threw that position away, to the detriment of residents of this city. Fiscally irresponsible. And Conservative. via Gil Penalosa ‘)
twitter .com/KGreenbergTO/status/1633314795288969216 (‘ Ken Greenberg : Ontario Place was created to be a public place on the Toronto waterfront for all Ontarians not an unaffordable spa destination for the wealthy which could be anywhere, Mar 7, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/scoopercooper/status/1634259439371821071 (‘ Sam Cooper : 5. The alleged community leader intermediary central to the Don Valley North allegations, is WEI Chengyi, a grocery store and real estate development mogul, who identifies himself as a United Front Work Department ‘Overseas’ leader…Michael Chan, watch?v=fm53ypZkT1, Han Dong , Valley North via Dr. David Fisman, Mar 10, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/kabradshaw42/status/1631446227345702914 (‘ Want to help save the Greenbelt? Donate to the Land Defense Unity Coalition. Every little bit helps! Funds are needed for fundamental supplies to keep defenders safe and warm while they hold space. To learn more, visit: 🆘, if you could, or Share, THANK YOU, via @kabradshaw42, @FrameToFrameBJ, Mar 2, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/ontarionurses/status/1633830248155594752 (‘ Ontario Nurses’ Association : A group of surgeons establish a private business to use public hospital infrastructure to perform surgeries that are billed through OHIP. @ f o r d n a t i o n calls that “innovation.” We call that privatization. #ONpoli via @kabradshaw42, @FrameToFrameBJ ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1621912701881536512 (‘ Sad reminder. #ElectionsMatter! Where is Tory on @ M e t r o l i n x cutting down 🌳200 y/o trees🌳? All councillors against this, backed Tory loudly, or silently by not supporting any of 30 candidates. Same with now loud former politicians, ‘civic leaders’. It could have been different. Feb 4, 2023 ‘)
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