HIGH QUALITY: Heavyweight card stock 300g paper smooth surface texture,”Thank you”Embossed In Gold Foil,High quality and heavy weight, yet easy to write on.
Elegant handwritten style, Gold Foil Eucalyptus Wedding Thank You Cards with Greenery Envelopes .4 Design& 25 each design
Blank inside, fold-able, size 3.75 ” x 5 “ Big enough to write down your feelings, More details on Amazon
FYI –>c
twitter .com/OfficialJLD/status/1343965460300247040 (‘ 29-12-2020, Julia Louis-Dreyfus : I’m so amazed & thankful for all the donations pouring in for tonight’s fundraiser with @staceyabrams. Every dollar raised helps reach key voting blocs – and these races will be close! Get your ticket now and let me know when you do so I can thank you: https://t.co/qfTgUMvK1E?amp=1 ‘)
7sur7 .be/belgique/noel-aux-soins-intensifs-on-n-en-peut-plus-on-est-epuise~aa98e299 (‘ Mhua : Hello my friends. Calm down and think about it. For 8 months, we have been going around in circles with this nasty virus. Worse, it has become more and more contagious, especially with the new strain discovered in England and which is now spreading in Belgium, Germany, Canada, etc. As people die, China, where the global Covid infestation has started, remains silent. Remember that this nasty coronavirus comes from Wuhan and that the mismanagement of the epidemic and the political propaganda from China, which has been slow to inform the world of the danger of its virus, are the main cause of the tragedy we are living through today. And, you Belgians… to help your country and democracy. Thank you very much, Happy New Year 2021; l’infectiologue, Erika Vlieghe , le Virologie Marc Van Ranst , Nathan Law 羅冠聰 @nathanlawkc, nrc .nl ‘)
7sur7.be/belgique/erika-vlieghe-certaines-personnes-souhaitent-ma-mort-juste-parce-que-je-dis-la-verite~aaf2b2e4 (‘ l’infectiologue, Erika Vlieghe : J’aimerais vous souhaiter une bonne et heureuse année, ne prenez pas à cœur ce qu’il vous dit, vous êtes le bon côté, les Belges devraient s’estimer heureux, car, les décès inutiles dus au covid-19 sont tragiques…; Dr. Cleavon Gilman, cleavonmd .com/coviddeaths ‘)
twitter .com/Aaron_Derfel (‘ Aaron Derfel : I wish Peace and Joy to everyone. Please stay safe and limit your social contacts. ‘)
twitter .com/GretaThunberg (‘ Greta Thunberg : Climate and environmental activist with Asperger’s
Born at 375ppm #ClimateStrike #FridaysForFuture #SchoolStrike4Climate #FaceTheClimateEmergency ClimateEmergencyEU .org ‘)
twitter.com/Cleavon_MD (‘ THANK YOU, Dr. Cleavon Gilman, cleavonmd .com/coviddeaths, Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing, Dr. Ali Nouri @AliNouriPhD, etc… ‘)
twitter .com/vanranstmarc (‘Merci Beaucoup, l’infectiologue, Erika Vlieghe , Marc Van Ranst, Marius Gilbert @mariusgilbert, Emmanuel André @Emmanuel_microb, Yves Coppieters @YvesCoppieters, Philippe Devos @drphildevos, Johan Neyts @neyts_johan, Le vaccinologue Pierre Van Damme, etc… ‘)
twitter .com/nathanlawkc (‘ Nathan Law 羅冠聰 , Luke de Pulford 裴倫德 @lukedepulford, Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯 @benedictrogers, Jeffrey Ngo 敖卓軒 @jeffreychngo, Xinqi Su 蘇昕琪 @XinqiSu, เพนกวิน – Parit Chiwarak @paritchi, #standwiththailand, Beiyi Seow @beiyis, etc…’)
marchehua.com (‘ My friends from Hong Kong, pro-democracy are arrested by the encroachment of beijing in hong kong on 23-11-2020, they are in prison, So I share their story to help them, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 , Agnes Chow 周庭,, Ivan Lam, #save12hkyouths, THANK YOU ‘)
twitter .com/CovidEcoles/status/1342135492108836865 (‘ 24-12-2020, En rappel, cette enfilade de remerciements 🙏, Joyeux Noël à tous ! Ce matin, j’aimerais prendre quelques lignes pour vous remercier, vous, les parents, professeurs, journalistes, politiciens. Je me considère privilégié de pouvoir compter sur vous pour alimenter cette initiative de transparence des données sur la COVID dans les écoles. THANK YOU; Dr Zoë Hyde @DrZoeHyde ‘)
twitter .com/Ecole_Oubliee/status/1342117034851758083 (‘ Ecole et Familles Oubliées : Une pensée pour tous ceux qui s’apprêtent à fêter🎄 seuls,en famille, dans la joie ou la tristesse…; A thought for all those who are preparing to celebrate alone, with their family, in joy or sadness… ‘)
twitter .com/Craig_A_Spencer/status/1342705652653764608 (‘ Craig Spencer MD MPH : 119k Americans are hospitalized with #COVID19 tonight. I’m grateful for everyone who took care of our loved ones on this holiday. To my colleagues – nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, physicians, laboratory technicians, transporters – thank you for everything you do! And us, to save lives and hopitals, Stay At Home ; via Dr. Cleavon Gilman ‘)
twitter .com/Aaron_Derfel/status/1343015739884711941 (‘ 26-12-2020, Aaron Derfel : As Quebecers await word on whether a more contagious variant of the #coronavirus is circulating in the province, it’s worth reviewing the latest provincial data on workplace outbreaks, with cases surging in the manufacturing industry as well as in retail and big box stores. ‘)
montrealgazette .com/news/local-news/quebec-reports-6783-new-covid-19-cases-110-more-deaths-since-christmas-eve (‘ 27-12-2020, The Health Ministry also reported on Sunday that hospitalizations due to COVID-19 had reached 1,085, the highest yet during the second wave that shows no signs of easing in the province. Stay at home!, Wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep social distancing, Aaron Derfel @Aaron_Derfel ‘)
twitter .com/Aaron_Derfel/status/1343367063713275906 (‘ 27-12-2020, Aaron Derfel, Question: is the doubling in #COVID19 cases in Quebec in a month despite public-health restrictions a reflection of the contagiousness of preexisting strains, or a sign the more contagious variant identified in four cases in Ontario and British Columbia may also be here? If the answer is the former, authorities need to ask whether the current lockdown, ending on Jan. 11 in Quebec, is effective enough to curb community transmission. If the answer is the latter, authorities need to ask the same question. @MatthewOughton ‘)
7sur7.be/belgique/herman-goossens-alerte-sur-la-nouvelle-variante-du-coronavirus-il-faut-la-prendre-au-serieux~a0618b4b (‘ 29-12-2020, …Ce n’est plus acceptable, maintenant, de sous-estimer une nouvelle variante qui pose énormément de problèmes en Angleterre. C’est très important de tirer des leçons de ce qui se passe dans d’autres pays. (…) Les Anglais sont très inquiets. Et donc, il faut prendre ça au sérieux. On est en train de discuter de ce qu’on peut faire pour empêcher cette variante de rentrer dans notre pays.”, le professeur Herman Goossens, microbiologiste à l’université d’Anvers ‘)
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