Thank You Cards, Bulk Forest & Mountain Animals, 50 Woodland
Woodland Creatures Thank You Cards: The box set of 50 woodland creatures thank you notes contains 5 unique card designs. Our furry little woodland animals are designed with a combination of foxes, wolves, bears, deer, fawn, rabbits, owls, birds and raccoons…
Matching Lined Envelopes Included: Each pack of cards contains 50 cute matching moisture sealed (lick-to-seal) envelopes for every card…
Blank on the Inside: Each card’s 4” X 6” measurement makes for a small and cute note. All cards are blank on the inside and are non-coated for easy and smudge-free writing. Each card set comes in a durable and reusable box for easy storage.
More details on Amazon
FYI –>
twitter .com/GazelleSharmahd/status/1623454224926527488 (` Message to all Ambassadors in Tehran. This is where you pick your side. Are you going to bow to the terrorist or will you stand with the free people? We won’t forgive, we won’t forget. #BoycottIRIDay, “#بیشرف@HillelNeuer : Shame on any Ambassador in Tehran who goes to this ceremony glorifying 44 years of a regime that has tortured and killed thousands of its own people. You will become a tool in their propaganda. You will be complicit in their crimes.`)
twitter .com/AlinejadMasih/status/1623238506125398016 (` Masih Alinejad : For 44 years the Islamic regime in #Iran framed itself as a “democratic republic”. A bloody lie. Families of this regime’s victims are united in asking world officials to boycott attending the anniversary ceremony of the founding of the Islamic Republic in Tehran. #BoycottIRIDay `)
twitter .com/GazelleSharmahd/status/1622144785623683072 (‘ Minacce contro i giornalisti iraniani all’estero,, Feb 5, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/mariam_claren/status/1621815944354959360 (‘ Mariam Claren #FreeNahid : Das Auswärtige Amt fordert deutsche StaatsbürgerInnen auf, den Iran zu verlassen. Gilt das auch für #NahidTaghavi – @AuswaertigesAmt? Frage für einen Freund…#freenahid #savesharmahd #mahsaami̇ni̇, Feb 4, via @GazelleSharmahd ‘)
twitter .com/InfoMansour/status/1621986705459875840 (‘ Mansour Soleimani : His body is a symbol of years of pain and suffering of millions of people and his loud voice is their cry, this body and this voice should not be silenced! Silence of this voice is the death of humanity and honor. #Farhad_Mithami #Mehsa_Amini #Revolution_1401, February 4 ‘)
twitter .com/amaniibrahimi1/status/1620840241946034176 (‘ I spoke to the daughter of a man who is currently on death row in Iran. Jamshid Sharmahd was kidnapped by the Islamic regime and flown to #Iran. @GazelleSharmahd says she’s doing all she can to stop his execution. You can watch the full video @itvnews on Insta,… and 📹, Feb 1, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/GazelleSharmahd/status/1620992432841306114 (‘ I cannot get through it, especially to the torture parts, because I immediately think about my dad, but this is a must watch for every human who cares #IranRevoIution #FreePoliticalPrisoners #SaveSharmahd, @besmaili : ‘)
twitter .com/GazelleSharmahd/status/1620634052536700928 (‘ This is a warning to the people of the world : None of us are safe as long as the terror regime is in power! Not @AlinejadMasih not my dad Jamshid #SaveSharmahd, not the dissidents, not bystanders, not the people of #Ukraine, not the people in Iran! Support us now! #IranRevoIution. @farzadf : 📹 ‘)
twitter .com/if_rebecca/status/1620149300339814400 (‘ Rebecca Schönenbach : recommended reading! About the threats against critics of the Iranian regime, which has not shied away from kidnappings and murders abroad.Featuring details on #SaveSharmahd, the German-Iranian journalist and father of @GazelleS ‘)
twitter .com/feminaprinceps/status/1619719464169377793 (‘ Livia Gerster: How the Iranian secret service spies, threatens and kills in Europe too. Today in the FAS ‘)
twitter .com/Mooniter/status/1620255368508239872 (‘ Mahsa (Mooniter) : Mrs. #Nahid Shirpisheh, the living mother of #Poyabakhtiari, was taken hostage by the Islamic Republic on July 20, 1401, and has not been released to this day because she shouted in prison, “I am a traitor.” The division between us = the victory of J.A. #mothers_of_petitioners #IranRevolution #IRGCterrorists, #WomenLifeFreedom ‘)
twitter .com/Mooniter/status/1620255368508239872 (‘ Dear @RanaForoohar you are a true example of family solidarity. The day, when the man hired by the Islamic Republic, was arrested in front of our house with a loaded gun, your kind words and support helped me to stay strong. Yes, together we are stronger. #WomenLifeFreedom ‘)
twitter .com/AlinejadMasih/status/1493752292180434947 (‘ Gazelle غزاله شارمهد : Hello German Government. This girl has a message. Her dad, a German-Iranian, #JamshidSharmahd, was kidnapped by the Islamic Republic of Iran while he was in Dubai. Don’t throw human rights under the bus for the nuclear agreement? Bring back German hostages. Human right matter, Feb 15, 2022, Please help us #SaveJamshidSharmahd from execution by signing our letter to the German foreign minister @ABaerbock, 🙏✍️🙏 ‘)
twitter .com/GazelleSharmahd/status/1620149152821948416 (‘ Großartigr Artikel von @Marianne_Max_ über die Geiselnahmen meines Vaters, Jamshid #SaveSharmahd, der als Aktivist und jahrelanger Regime Kritiker vom Islamischen Regime terrorisiert und verschleppt wurde. Jetzt droht ihm die Todesstrafe!, Jan 29, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/GazelleSharmahd/status/1618884750223245314 (‘ Dear Iranian diaspora, please share if you agree. @PahlaviReza #IranRevolution @AlinejadMasih @NazaninBoniadi @alikarimi_ak8 @ everyone who will to be our voice . freejamshidsharmahd, Jan 27, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/lilika49/status/1617493003437838337 (‘ The IRI continues their cruel practice of hostage taking, rape,torture and murder to rule by fear.We’re merely a handful of families affected by this barbarity. We come together to raise awareness on the issue & appeal to the public to stand up against this regime #IRGCterrorists ‘)
instagram .com/p/CnIiekSPbUQ (‘ the Islamic Regime’s lawyer Dordizadeh the last show trial of German citizen Jamshid Sharmahd will be on Tuesday Jan 10th. He said it does not look good. My dad was kidnappen and is charged with „corruption on earth“ which can lead to the death sentence! Be his voice! 🙏#SaveSharmahdv🙏 now!, 😷Stay Safe! Statistician, Bill Comeau,🚨its-time-to-clear-air🚨 Prof. Marie Snyder, Corsi-Rosenthal boxes can help reduce exposure to indoor air pollutants, Dean of Engineering Richard Corsi , ⚠️#LongCovid risk increases, Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth ‘)
twitter .com/GazelleSharmahd/status/1618268405202841601 (‘ The campaign of the families of the dual-national prisoners for the release of the prisoners; Student activism continues @FreeAnoosheh @lilika49 @KMooreGilbert @mariam_claren #FreeNahid #SaveSharmahd, Jan 25, 2023, FYI : , ,, , #FreePoliticalPrisoners ‘)
twitter .com/ShouraHashemi/status/1617810168091410432 (‘ Shoura Hashemi : Das ist Ahmad Dschannati, 95 Jahre alt, seit 1980, Vorsitzender des Wächterrats. Geistlicher und Schwerverbrecher. Bedankt sich hier für die Hinrichtung der jungen Menschen und bezeichnet das als große kulturelle Errungenschaft der Streitkräfte. #IranRevolution #IRGCterrorists, Jan 24, 2023 ‘)
twitter .com/cducsubt/status/1615762920344031232 (‘ .@_FriedrichMerz hat heute mit @GazelleSharmahd über ihren Vater #JamshidSharmahd gesprochen, der im #Iran im Gefängnis sitzt. Der Deutsch-Iraner hat keinen fairen Prozess bekommen, seine ärztliche Versorgung muss sofort verbessert werden. (1/2) #savesharmahd ‘)
twitter .com/n_roettgen/status/1618563696057520133 (‘ Nach dem EU-Parlament hat nun auch der 🇺🇸 Kongress parteiübergreifend eine Resolution zur Unterstützung der #IranRevolution verabschiedet. Ich formuliere darum erneut meine Bitte an alle Demokraten im Bundestag: Lasst es uns ihnen gleichtun. Für die Freiheit & gegen den Terror! ‘)
twitter .com/PahlaviReza (‘ Reza Pahlavi : The power of united people ‘)
twitter .com/JReinerMD/status/1618351216676982784 (‘ Dr. 📙Jonathan Reiner : Thomas Buergenthal’s “A Lucky Child” is a remarkable book about his journey as a boy through Auschwitz and the Holocaust. ‘)
amazon .com/Lucky-Child-Memoir-Surviving-Auschwitz-ebook/dp/B0025VO4K4 (‘ 📚thomas buergenthal : is known as one of the youngest holocaust victims to survive places like Auschwitz and Sachsenhausen, which were horrific concentration camps. The first 11 years of his life were spent under German authority. via @JReinerMD ‘)
marchehua .com/product/poster-frame-with-clear-display-wooden-bedaily-7-inch-black-walnut-color (‘ #SaveSharmahd via @RayhanAsat ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
twitter .com/changchengwai/status/1618758943882481664 (‘ CN, Jane Wang : Regarding the arrest of #白纸运动#Li Siqi: “We note deeply disturbing reports that a former Goldsmiths student has been detained in China for participating in a peaceful vigil commemorating victims of 🔥the Xinjiang fires🔥. We condemn in the strongest terms the suppression of free speech, And urge the relevant authorities to immediately release those detained during the vigil”. @RobertPostings :, 🤞🤞, via Ann Lau Jan 25 ‘)
twitter .com/FrejaMeow/status/1620933742310330369 (‘ Freja : …and willing to continue to support. via @badiucao ‘)
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