The Blue Lotus by Comic book issue


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The cigars of Pharaoh
In The Cigars of the Pharaoh (1934), Tintin is implicated, by chance and in spite of himself, in a narcotics traffic that will drag him to India. In the meantime, he met Dupond and Dupont, two unbalanced policemen whose roles will gradually assert themselves.
The blue lotus
Continuing to China traffickers encountered in The cigars of the pharaoh, Tintin will in the Blue Lotus (1936) knowledge of Chang, a young Chinese who will lose his last prejudices. In Rastapopoulos, he will discover by cons a formidable enemy he will find moreover repeatedly.

  • FYI –>
    • twitter .com/VAGalau/status/1583198969760358400 (` London, England : Protest against the assault and abduction of peaceful protesters by the Chinese Consulate in Manchester, England. Marching from 10 Downing Street towards Chinese Embassy IT IS OUR Duty to STAND AGAINST THE CCP. Sunday October 23 `)
    • twitter .com/benedictrogers/status/1583186464736567298 (`  Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯 : I will be joining, and speaking at, this important rally on Sunday to protest at #China #CCP’s abhorrent violence against #HongKongers at the Consulate in #Manchester. Please join us in solidarity `)
    • twitter .com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1583149344483856384 (‘ Peter Stefanovic : Liz Truss had no mandate from the country. The next PM will have no mandate from the country. The Tories have broken practically every manifesto promise & crashed the economy. Democracy demands a General Election – Now! Please sign the petition : ✍️ , 20-10-2022 ‘)
    • twitter .com/Afzal4Gorton/status/1583060758753333249 (‘ Afzal Khan MP : Utterly stunned by the Gvt’s failure to act. The Chinese Consul General has admitted to assaulting Bob and arrogantly claims that it was “his duty” to do so. There is nothing stopping the Gvt now from declaring the Consul General persona non grata, but they simply refuse📽️ , 20-10-2022 ‘)
    • twitter .com/Afzal4Gorton/status/1582345036846759936 (‘  Afzal Khan MP : I am appalled by the Minister’s response today. At the bare minimum the Gvt must declare the Chinese Consul General as persona non grata. The actions in my constituency were a violation of British freedom and democracy , and warrant immediate action. Bob deserves justice. via @VAGalau, @benedictrogers, @nathanlawkc ‘)
    • twitter .com/Afzal4Gorton/status/1582665418480975872 (‘ Afzal Khan MP : Thank you itv @GranadaReports for covering this important story. As the local MP, I am adamant that justice is delivered for Bob. The actions of the Chinese consulate are wholly unacceptable and the Gvt must respond with robust action. Watch my interview below. ‘)
    • twitter .com/Cydy6/status/1583085857774637056 (‘ Thank you my MP standing up for us. I will never forget you fight for our right and our safety in this country. Grateful to choose my residency here. ‘)
    • whc .ca/en (‘  Web Hosting Canada , Security & SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing
    • twitter .com/Afzal4Gorton/status/1583148487377838080 (` Afzal Khan MP : Sick of all this? Let’s get rid of them together `)
    • twitter .com/UKLabour/status/1583123471894126592 (`  The Labour Party : Britain can’t afford the Tories any longer. It’s time for a general election. It’s time for real leadership with @Keir_Starmer It’s time for a Labour government. `)
    • twitter .com/AngelaRayner/status/1583195139786575873 (` Angela Rayner 🌹 : I agree with the @DailyMirror #GeneralElectionNow `)



Age Range : 8 – 12 years
Grade Level : 3 and up
Series : The Adventures of Tintin : Original Classic (Book 5)
Paperback : 62 pages
Publisher : Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (July 30, 1984)
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 0316358568
ISBN-13 : 978-0316358569
Product Dimensions : 9 x 0.6 x 11.8 inches
Shipping Weight : 9.6 ounces

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