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twitter .com/njaved/status/1599751388451377154 (‘ Noor Javed : With so many questions, Ontario’s Greenbelt housing plan must stop , https://t.co/ZlwZLlDu5k, 5-12-2022 via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/fatimabsyed/status/1599068294010785792 (‘ “Every single parcel of land impacted by Bill 23 in Indigenous land. The [Doug Ford] government is prioritizing development over sacred & solemn promises.”. Indigenous leaders say Ontario’s housing bill is “unlawful” because it did not consult them, https://t.co/xyBevmsOuH via @MikeSchreiner ‘)
twitter .com/MikeSchreiner/status/1598391998637113356 (‘ Mike Schreiner : It’s time for real solutions and real action. Ontario needs housing that people can afford, in the communities they want to live in. #onpoli , via @DFisman ‘)
twitter .com/MikeSchreiner/status/1599155252753625088 (‘ Thousands out today marching to Queen’s Park telling Doug Ford to keep his Greenbelt Promise to keep his #HandsOffTheGreenbelt. #onpoli #Greenbelt ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1599038294154563584 (‘ In fairness much of the relevant information was hidden away in extensively researched twitter threads like this one from 2021. I guess they all just accidentally missed that… fascinated by this man, mario cortellucci, and his outsized influence on ontario and GTA politics. cortellucci, who lives in vaughan and ran as a far-right candidate for the italian senate back in 2018 – is a major ford donor… ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1599071376622510080 (‘ Premier @FordNation: hands off Greenbelt. Let’s do all new housing in existing footprint. Doable. Thanks for image, @JakeTobin. @EnviroDefence #TO4Everyone, Cities4Everyone Gil Penalosa ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1599185667455471616 (‘ Powerful. I wish every minister, secretary, elected official, do what US Transportation @SecretaryPete & deputy @PollyTrott did: met & listened with @Fam4SafeStreets. Generous people who share their pain, as a call to action for SAFE streets, everywhere. Doable! #Cities4Everyone ‘)
twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1599085933944373248 (‘ Concerning article by @KopunF on how well known lobbyists ran Tory’s mayoral campaign. Manager, Patrick Harris, mng partner Rubicon Strat. inc. Communication, Jenesa Crognali, sr at Navigator. Btw, The Star endorsed Tory for his ‘managerial experience.’ Owner endorsement… buddy. ‘)
whc .ca/en (‘ Web Hosting Canada , Security& SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools. ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1599014102587781120 (‘ Surges in viral respiratory infections can absolutely result in downstream surges in invasive bacterial disease. Our group has demonstrated this for both pneumococcal and meningococcal disease downstream from influenza, and mening downstream from RSV. https://t.co/liVxnYrF9d , https://t.co/kDVaTCEk2f ‘)
twitter .com/ChristyCeeCK/status/1598824489814437888 (‘ Here are Ford’s remarks. He mentions a lot of numbers about nurses so we forget that this week he announced his government is going back to court to fight to continue to suppress their wages via @DFisman ‘)
en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Leopard_frog (‘ Leopard frog is a generic name used to refer to various species in the true frog genus Lithobates. They all have similar coloration: brown or green with spots that form a leopard pattern. They are distinguished by their distribution and behavioral, morphological, and genetic differences. The range of the various species of leopard frogs extends from the Hudson Bay in Canada… ‘)
thenarwhal .ca/ontario-bill-23-indigenous-response (‘ ‘Abuse of power’: Indigenous communities call out lack of consultation on Ontario housing bill :, Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Steve Clark admitted the government passed Bill 23 without consulting First Nations, despite past clashes with Indigenous communities over development… By Fatima Syed , 3-12-2022 ‘)
twitter .com/astroehlein/status/1598563626171899904 (` The Holocaust did not begin with killing; it began with words. Genocides do not begin with mass murder. That’s where they end up. Genocides & other mass atrocity crimes begin with words – specifically, with powerful people dehumanizing a minority. Once they are seen as less than human, anything is possible, even mass murder.You can speak out loudly today for the rights of others, or you can stay silent & wait for tomorrow, when your rights will be taken away too. via Min Jin Lee `)
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