
The Room Where It Happened : A White House

Original price was: $32.50.Current price is: $19.42.

John Bolton served as National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump for 519 days. A seasoned public servant who had previously worked for Presidents Reagan, Bush #41, and Bush #43, Bolton brought to the administration thirty years of experience in international issues and a reputation for tough, blunt talk. In his memoir, he offers a substantive and factual account of his time in the room where it happened.
FYI –>

  • theguardian .com/us-news/live/2020/jun/22/john-bolton-donald-trump-protests-coronavirus-phoenix-speech-latest-news-updates (‘ John Bolton calls Trump incompetent as president plans Phoenix speech amid pandemic;  Usa:… public health experts have said the high number of US cases is much more attributable to states reopening and the relaxing of social distancing protocols. ‘)
  • theguardian .com/us-news/2020/jul/29/trump-administration-portland-protests-federal-agents  (‘ Dans une lettre à la Maison Blanche, les maires ont déclaré qu’ils étaient troublés par les actions des agents fédéraux à Portland, qualifiant leur manquement de porter une pièce d’identité appropriée et l’arrachage de manifestants dans les rues “effrayant”. «Ce sont des tactiques que nous attendons d’un régime autoritairepas de notre démocratie», indique la lettre ‘)
  • thehill .com/homenews/news/517275-bill-clinton-on-gop-push-to-fill-ginsburg-vacancy-trump-mcconnell-first-value (‘ 20-09-2020,  Trump, McConnell – first value is power -, Bill Clinton said the decision is hypocritical, noting that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) blocked former President Obama’s nominee before the 2016 election. “Well, of course, it’s superficially hypocritical, isn’t it? Mitch McConnell wouldn’t give President Obama‘s nominee Merrick Garland a hearing 10 months before the presidential election, and that meant that we went a long time with eight judges on the court,” Clinton, who nominated Ginsburg to the court in 1993, said on CNN’s  – State of the Union -.’)
  • twitter .com/ProjectLincoln/status/1307492421572472836 (‘  the video : Lindsey said he wants us to use his words against him. Ok, done. ‘)
  • twitter .com/ReallyAmerican1/status/1307141568051253248 (‘ 18-09-20280, because of established precedent, enforced by McConnell in the past and endorsed by Trump and Republicans in 2016, there must be #NoNewJustices. ‘)
  • twitter .com/ReallyAmerican1/status/1306390226072416256 (‘ 16-09-2020, Trump’s known how deadly this is. He’s known how dangerous it is for our children. But now he’s admitting the truth: they want to infect us. ‘)
  • twitter .com/AVindman/status/1305584627076268042 (‘ the video, 14-09-2020, I love this country. The President loves only himself. Yes, I am now a never-Trumper!, Alexander S. Vindman ‘)
  • twitter .com/MeidasTouch/status/1306373763672412161 (‘ the video, Who are we to trust: a scientific expert, or a guy who stared into an eclipse? As usual, Trump lies and we die. ‘)


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Publication Date : March 17, 2020

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