Toronto Panoramic Fridge Magnet

Toronto Panoramic Fridge Magnet Ontario Travel Souvenir Canada
FYI –>

  • marchehua .com (‘ Well the most important thing is to save Toronto that’s what they say about someone who really loves doing something good for the city so like Gil Penalosa said Olivia Chow will make a positive change and progressive that Toronto needs. A green, fair, competitive, playful TO. So, mobilize harder, and fight to get rid of Ford’s puppets…;” Eh bien, la chose la plus importante est de sauver Toronto, c’est ce qu’on dit de quelqu’un qui aime vraiment faire quelque chose de bien pour la ville, alors comme Gil (Guillermo) Penalosa a dit qu’Olivia Chow apportera un changement positif et progressif dont Toronto a besoin. Un TO vert, équitable, compétitif, ludique. Alors, mobilisez-vous plus fort, et battez-vous pour vous débarrasser des marionnettes de Ford… ” ‘)
  • twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1646542560784007168 (‘ Gil Penalosa : How do we want to live? Citizens response is the basic element to create a shared vision. Then, action! #Cities4Everyone should prioritize PEOPLE, especially 0-4 y/o and caretakers, and all who are poor and/or have disabilities. Green spaces are NOT car parking; People’s places.  👇 ‘)
  • marchehua .com (‘ the essential points for a holy life: 1-Affordable : the affordable price of 🏠, food, health for everyone 2-Equitable : our safety, will depend on the health and safety of others, that is to say of society, the beings living on this earth, so let’s fight together to protect them… 3-Sustainable cities: changing our behavior to adapt to climate change to save the planet, and ourselves, therefore, demanding that our leaders do what is necessary so that we have easy access to our essential needs, such as a store, work, our activities, etc… Bonus: Our real Prosperity is our children👧🧒, imagine if we take good care of them, and with their minimum agreement, they will become doctors, researchers, they are the ones who will advance science, the economy, etc… especially the sociopaths who clean their 🧠brains, they want to make them into soldiers, savage policemen, just to protect them… Apr 13, 2023 ‘)
  • twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1646235471649832969 (‘ Gil Penalosa : Programs, programs, and more programs. Cities often find easier $100s of $1000s for new parks, but not a few dollar$ for activities. Programs, NOT events. Daily, weekly. For all ages. 52 weeks. FREE. Get sponsors, but 👍do not sell your soul, provide recognition, 5-10% of poster. 👉🥚🥚 ‘)
  • twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1646237353642713088 (‘ Gil Penalosa : Chilling. Every time I have the opportunity to enjoy Bryant Park, as a non-native English speaker, I get the meaning of ‘to chill’. Weekdays, weekends, day and night, all ages. In #cities4everyone seems like people like to chill. PUBLIC spaces. Green. Trees. People. ‘)
  • twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1646252274740592640 (‘ Infrastructure: reliable & renewable electricity, increase access to social and health resources, high-speed broadband internet, etc. ‘They are investments in our country, our people and our future.’ Agree with @Audouin_Anne ‘)
  • twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1646232614183763971 (‘ Great Parks are well Managed. Bryant Park is. Many know this wonderful medium size NYC park for it’s movable chairs. Many have purchased them to see if their park is transformed. Well, it’s much more than chairs. It’s infra + uses + programs + all ages; all seasons. ‘)
  • twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1646241029069176833 (‘ (Last) Details, lots. Unfortunately, great parks are NOT about one great thing; it’s 100s of little ones. From fresh cut flowers at entrance of PUBLIC washrooms, to welcoming signs, wayfinding, e-plugs, flexibility of uses based on time of day, day of week, season. Superb Mgt! ‘)
  • twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1646194367508496400 (‘ Let’s Turn Buildings Inside-Out, by @Fred_Kent and Kathy Madden. @SocialLifeProj Great images… not rocket science, but it’s not allowed in most areas of cities. People love them a week on vacation, why not have it 52 weeks. Doable in #cities4everyone. Apr 12, 2023 ‘)
  • twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1646241029069176833 (‘ Want higher pay? A bigger economy? More revenues for public programs? Less exploitation of people at work and in society? Great article @ArmineYalnizyan. Allowing undocumented immigrants to stay and work in Canada — permanently. Low cost, low risk, high benefit. ‘)
  • amazon .com/s?k=Toronto+Panoramic+Fridge+Magnet+Ontario+Travel+Souvenir+Canada (‘ Product  Youtube-unpaused via @Globalbiosec ‘)
  • whc .ca/en (‘  Web Hosting Canada , Security & SSL, Keep your website safe while increasing conversion rates with WHC’s powerful security tools.   ‘)
  • twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1647223450841358337 (‘  Not rocket science. Not tech or $$: it’s POLITICAL, Copenhagen, yes, safe & enjoyable to walk, ride bicycles, use public transit. Physically separated spaces for each mode, 5-8 cm level diff. Connected, networks. AAA_B: All Ages Abilities Backgrounds. #TO4everyone, let’s do it! Apr 15, 2023 ‘)
  • twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1646930546570698752 (‘ Best place for Ontario Science Centre? #1 Where it is. Built & success. Supports suburban community. New LRT, soon subway. Hwy. #2 Hangar at Downsview Park (NOT green space). #3: Parking lot/building Exhibition Place. NEVER: build/destroy green areas for PUBLIC Waterfront park! ‘)
  • twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1646927213025976337  (‘ Ford should run for TO mayor, or stay OUT. Within 100 days of elections: 2014: ran & LOST. 2018: reduced Council by 1/2, 2022: backroom deals for mayoral powers to do what he/province wants. 2023: backroom deals to elect another puppet. ON Science Center to ON Place, safety… ‘)
  • twitter .com/Penalosa_G/status/1646957774226563072 (‘ A fire killed 18,000 cows in Texas. It’s a horrifyingly normal disaster. Over 6.5 million farmed animals, mostly chickens, perished in barn fires in the US last decade. @mbolotnikova  ‘)



Product Dimensions : 3.15 x 0.39 x 2.36 inches
Item Weight : 1.76 ounces

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