twitter .com/YouAreLobbyLud/status/1612280995218350081 (‘ Dr David Berger : There has to be some accountability for this. With this knowledge IN EARLY FEBRUARY 2020, the disease could have been eliminated. @ D r T e d r o s and @ D r M i k e R y a n must be made to front up on what happened here. @mdc_martinus …’)
twitter .com/danaparish/status/1468294461545345024 (‘ 📖Dana Parish : Best to stop listening to politicos masquerading as public health people and use common sense. Love him all you want. He’s given horrible advice that’s led to many deaths & debilitating illness. That is the truth. ‘)
twitter .com/frozen/status/1468787577452781570 (‘ And now we have definitive proof that the BC government has been using rapid tests for its own safety, but not for ours. Government office Christmas party? Sure have some rapid tests. Sick kid? NOOOOPE. Thank you, Thank you, @PennyDaflos., #bcpoli#bced#FreetheRATS , ,,, via @JillianHortonMD, @lisa_iannattone . FYI : @WikiDocJames, @PennyDaflos ‘)
twitter .com/Protect_BC/status/1468767879155748864 (‘ Protect Our Province BC : #Omicron: What should provinces do? (In particular, the #COVID6 Flag of Canada ones). @DFisman @AmyTanMD answer in this short clip Downwards arrow from @Protect_BC’s 5th briefing. Thanks, @moirawyton @TheTyee, for this very relevant question.@bcndp, @CDCofBC … Your move. ‘)
youtube .com/watch?v=MIdla_PD8cY (‘ Dr. @David Fisman, a University of Toronto epidemiologist, and Dr.@Amy Tan , a palliative care & family physician, UBC Faculty of Medicine, explain the public health tools that should be used by provinces against more transmissible variants like Omicron. Dr. Fisman notes the success of Ontario’s attention to HEPA air filtration units in many school districts and masks for children, since COVID-19 is airborne… ‘)
twitter .com/OHCOWclinics/status/1469033249007718406 (‘ Tomorrow at 1pm, join panelists ,@DavidElfstrom,@KevinHedges15 and,@JenniferKShea to discuss Simple Solutions for a COVID-safe Season. Register online or watch via Facebook Live #OccCOVID#COVID ‘)
twitter .com/KashPrime/status/1468768434179747840 (‘ There’s lots of information coming at all of us. One thing is certain: a big Omicron wave is coming, how bad its going to be is unknown. We can slow it down, protect ourselves and our families right here and right now. Stay sharp, stay careful. We will know more soon enough. via @chrisdmrg ‘)
twitter .com/NHSuk/status/1467779296236343296 (‘ GB, All contacts of suspected Omicron cases must self-isolate for 10 days. This is a new precaution to help prevent the spread of the #OmicronVariant of #COVID19. Dr. Joe vipond : Hey Alberta, you could do this too. Seems… wise. 7-12-2021 ‘)
twitter .com/DrTomFrieden/status/1467904970615934979 (‘ Dr. Tom Frieden : If you stopped using masks indoors after getting vaccinated, now is a good time to mask up again. If you’ve been wearing cloth masks, consider upgrading to more-protective N95/KN95 masks. 🇨🇦 : ‘)
scientificamerican .com/article/why-we-need-to-upgrade-our-face-masks-and-where-to-get-them (‘ N95, aerosols, there was then a shortage of such masks , Early on in the pandemic ‘)
twitter .com/PhillyInquirer (‘ 🇺🇸 The Philadelphia Inquirer is your front-row seat to the Greater Philadelphia region. You can support local, impactful journalism at, , Philadelphia, PA, Happy Christmas, “Joyeux Noel, Giáng sinh vui vẻ, 聖誕快樂 “, Wear mask quality, ‘)
twitter .com/ArnaudBruyneel/status/1467078083018641410 (‘ “Admission d’un patient de 76 ans , avec 5 Co-morbidités, pas vacciné car pas confiance en la vaccination💉. Il est intubé, lésions > 50% au scanner, mortalité proche de 100%. Et le fils insiste pour administrer de l’ivermicine… Certains « scientifiques » sont des criminels 😔🤬” , via @Emmanuel_microb . via @leticiakawano , via @AcidFrequencies ‘ )
twitter .com/DrMCecconi/status/1467026719169200128 (‘ ” #Disinformation kills. We have seen patients who have not been vaccinated because they were told that hydroxychloroquine or other home therapies would always cure them in case of infection or that vaccines do not work. Let’s fight disinformation. Let’s vaccinate. ” via @ArnaudBruyneel ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ My friends from Hong Kong, pro-democracy are arrested by the encroachment of beijing in hong kong on 23-11-2020, they are in prison, So I share their story to help them, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 , #save12hkyouths, THANK YOU, #StandwithHongKong ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1467929760152104966 (‘ David Fisman, Petition: we have the rapid tests. Ontario should be providing these to households for safe holiday gatherings , H/t @birgitomo . FYI : @DrKateTO ‘)
twitter .com/C19TestFinders/status/1468460313720803328 (‘ Alberta! Today is the day we let the Premier know we need protection by having access to #RapidTests Will you join us? 1⃣Contact Premier @jkenney ☎️ 780-427-2711 📧 2⃣Sign the petition: 3⃣Use the hashtag #FreeTheRATs when you tweet. 4⃣Share widely! ‘)
twitter .com/Protect_BC/status/1468829082737471490 (‘ “Taxpayers have paid for rapid tests to be distributed to the provinces and the provinces are not accountable, or not showing any accountability to what they’re doing with these tests,” said @DaliaHasanMD, @C19TestFinders, Sign #freetheRATS petition here: ‘)
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