Who Could Ever Love You, Mary-L.-Trump
In WHO COULD EVER LOVE YOU, Mary Trump brings us inside the twisted family whose patriarch ignored, froze out, and eventually destroyed his own. Freddy Trump’s decline into alcoholism and illness, along with Linda’s suffering after their divorce, left Mary dangerously vulnerable as a very young girl. Inadequately and only conditionally loved, there were no adults in her life except for the father she loved, but lost before she could know him; and a mother abandoned by her ex-husband’s rich and powerful family who demanded her loyalty but left her with nothing. With searching insight, poignant detail, and unsparing prose, Mary Trump reveals the cold, selfish cruelty that has come to define the Trump family thanks in large part to her uncle, whose malignant ambition has riven our nation and threatens the world.
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- FYI –>
- ici.radio-canada .ca/nouvelle/2102613/kamala-harris-changements-climatiques-strategie (‘ …Because even though Americans are on the front lines of climate change, between the erosion of purchasing power, interest rates, the housing crisis and the cost of health care, climate change is far from being their priority, and Kamala Harris understands this well. by Étienne Leblanc ‘)
- marytrump .org/p/letting-it-slide (‘ Arlington National Cemetery. Letting It Slide. When Will It Be Enough? … it’s also a tactic he uses to evade accountability. It’s getting harder to understand why this kind of sociopathic behavior continues to get normalized. by Mary L. Trump, Aug 30, 2024. 🚨FYI🚨 : the criminal felon Donald Trump thinks his power is unlimited. So keep pushing for justice for our heroes, Friends. ‘)
- marytrump .org/p/no-honor (‘ Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation’s fascist manifesto. He wants to use the military in major U.S. cities to quell protests of which he disapproves in American cities… why was this unpatriotic coward allowed to lay at a memorial wreath at Arlington National Cemetery? by Mary L Trump, Aug 28, 2024 ‘)
- marytrump .org/p/on-covid-at-long-last (‘ It took four years, but I finally got COVID… I wore a mask 95% of the time… I’m deeply disappointed to have gotten COVID after all of this time. I also feel slightly ashamed, which is harder to make sense of. And then there’s some barely discernible anger (I don’t have the energy to grapple with it) aimed squarely at the psychotic and malicious people who purposefully mishandled the pandemic in 2020, which is why we’re all still dealing with this. via 👇 ‘)
- facebook .com/photo?fbid=937198741547893 (‘ Hala Ayala : @mary_l_trump is a patriot! I expressed my gratitude to her for her bravery and courage in standing up for our nation! ‘)
- vindmanforcongress .com (‘ “I’m running for Congress in Virginia’s Seventh District to protect our democracy, restore our freedoms, and fight for all of our communities to thrive… we are all free to be who we are and pursue our dreams in this land of opportunity.” ‘)
- instagram .com/halaayalava/p/C_ssiTyOx1w (‘ Hala Ayala, Virginian : If we start feeling tired, if we start feeling that dread creeping back in, we gotta pick ourselves up, throw water on our face, and what? Do Something! So, let’s Do Something! Eugene Vindman for Congress , AND #DoSomething : 🚪☎️ 👇 , THANK YOU , HELP Share ‘)
- mobilize .us/2024vavictory/event/672232 (‘ Victory 2024: 09/10 WFCDC – Canvas and Phone Banking ‘)