Alphabet Tracing Board: Compact size, good for travel( 8.3” x 0.4” x 6.3”) , perfectly sized for portable writing practice for kids. Help to promote fine motor control and hand-eye coordination as well as handwriting.
Double-sided Design: The wooden letters tracing board is double-sided. It has upper case letters on one side and lower case on the other. Each alphabet has directional arrows to help the proper order and direction of the strokes. The child can see where they should start each line and the direction.
More details on Amazon
FYI –>
twitter .com/EricMulder11/status/1435637141015457797 (‘ This is a photo of my brain tumour. My surgery was originally scheduled for today, but I received a call yesterday afternoon that the surgery has been cancelled indefinitely. Please call, email, or share this post with our government officials. Thank you! via @jvipondmd ‘)
twitter .com/ChuckWurster/status/1435795987746983943 (‘ Dr. Chuck Wurster : Over just two days, 35 Albertans had their last summer ever🕯️. This did not need to happen. It was predictable. We must force our leaders to act decisively and immediately. We all deserve to have more summers. ‘)
twitter .com/ChuckWurster/status/1435800198421299204 (‘ Dr. Chuck Wurster : Any delays by elected or public health leaders has zero merit. If nothing is done to curb the spread of covid in Alberta, right now, these are entirely political decisions to save votes and political skins, not to save lives. The data and predictions are clear. More will suffer. ‘)
twitter .com/awong37/status/1436082229248147457 (‘ Gif, Dr. Alexander Wong : I’m back on-call Monday for 2 weeks. I’m so scared for what awaits my fellow HCWs and I. For everyone advocating, agitating, fighting to support us – 🙏🏻THANK YOU so much🙏🏻. We’re stronger together. Let’s keep pushing uphill for what we KNOW must be done for our province. ‘)
twitter .com/hinz_tamara/status/1435773366938611713 (‘ I have a hard time believing that ALL @SaskParty MLAs are ok with the direction they are taking us in. When a Sask child dies of COVID, when cancer surgeries get canceled, when our ICUs need to start triaging – will you still be able to sleep at night? This is your legacy too. via @DrKyle ‘)
twitter .com/ABdoc4patients/status/1435994681553211397 (‘ From DMs, a neurosurgeon, after sharing @EricMulder11’s tweet: 75% neurosurgeries cancelled. If you aren’t dying immediately/already lost function, you won’t get surgery. Another way the unvaccinated (by choice) are holding the rest of society hostage. #COVID19AB#COVID19via @jvipondmd ‘)
twitter .com/lanniechantelle/status/1435450983367143424 (‘ I’ve been reading tweets of brain surgeries and transplant surgeries being cancelled. This crisis affects so many more than just the unvaccinated. We’re in trouble Alberta. And I don’t know about you… but I’ve finally realized that feeling in the pit of my stomach is fear. ☎️Please put pressure on your local representatives to act. ‘)
twitter .com/drdagly/status/1435861255722450944 (‘ When we speak of triage, we describe a system that fairly considers who will benefit from limited resources. In reality triage is already happening & it is lawless. Those who choose not to be vaccinated take resources away from those who would benefit from them through ignorance. ‘)
twitter .com/awong37/status/1435762062739845120 (‘ Dr. Alexander Wong : All elective surgeries and most outpatient procedures cancelled in Calgary. Same will occur throughout Alberta, and soon across Saskatchewan too. The consequences of our reality will be borne by ALL #AB & #SK citizens. Did not have to be this way. #COVID19SK#COVID19AB ‘)
twitter .com/TehseenLadha/status/1435811680949207040 (‘ Dr. Tehseen Ladha : To all the government leaders, public health officials and health administration in Alberta who are not speaking out in this time of crisis: 18 deaths today. You are complicit. #IntentionallyCruelWave#COVID19AB ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1435995418341658631 (‘ This speaks volumes about the expectations of the Ontario ministries of health and education this fall.👉Ontario, @YoniFreedhoff: Clearly a decision was made to deactivate Ontario’s school outbreak and case count webpage. Of course that also means a decision could be made to reactivate it. Hope to see journalists follow up on this, #SaferSchools ‘)
twitter .com/Sue_Innovates/status/1435998393676009473 (‘ 1/3 Parents pls call @fordnation‘s office to: 1. Rescind hire of Haldimand Norfolk’s med officer of health so kids in HN schools are protected 2. Publish prov list of cases/bd/school. Last yr’s doesn’t work @fordnation‘s office: ☎️416-325-1941 OR 416-325-7635 ‘)
twitter .com/DFisman/status/1435949772532326404 (‘ Had a conversation with my (very wise) father about COVID-19 in kids. He pointed out that polio epidemics in the 1950s resulted in both acute and late health consequences (post-polio syndrome) and wondered why we would risk exposing kids to long-term unknown risk. @RFisman 👉Corruption: What Everyone Needs to Know by Ray Fisman and Miriam A. Golden ‘)
twitter .com/NaheedD/status/1435962353217163266 (‘ Ontario , We’ve literally got 6000+ graves of children dug up at residential schools & the Ontario government just announced that the new Sept. 30th federal holiday (National Day for Truth & Reconciliation) won’t be a stat holiday in Ontario. This isn’t reconciliation. This is PATHETIC. ‘)
twitter .com/TSererak/status/1435277893072945152 (‘ 🇹🇭 “ขับรถพาน้องๆไปมอบชุด PPE ชุดชั้นในสตรี ผ้าอนามัย ฯ ที่ทุกท่านได้ช่วยกันบริจาค ให้โรงพยาบาลราชทัณฑ์ ขอบคุณหมอ พยาบาล เจ้าหน้าที่โรงพยาบาลราชทัณฑ์ ขอบคุณทุกท่านที่ช่วยกันบริจาคครับ #WeCareอาสาเพื่อไทย “, Drive the children to give PPE sets, women’s underwear, sanitary napkins, which everyone has donated. to the correctional hospital. Thank you to the doctors, nurses, and staff of the Rajabhat Hospital. Thank you all for helping to donate.#WeCare Volunteer for Thai , @Michelle97TK ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ My friends from Hong Kong, pro-democracy are arrested by the encroachment of beijing in hong kong on 23-11-2020, they are in prison, So I share their story to help them, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 , #save12hkyouths, THANK YOU, #StandwithHongKong ‘)
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