Manufactured from high-quality plastics such as ABS
Scale Model 1:16
Suitable for playing indoors and outdoors
FYI –>
twitter .com/NaheedD/status/1391737750982889473 (‘ 🇨🇦 Dr. Naheed Dosani : Wanna celebrate #NationalNursingWeek? Pay nurses what they deserve. Give nurses decent hours. Provide nurses with 10 paid sick days. Vaccinate nurses now. Nurses are the heartbeat of healthcare. Let’s show the nursing community we care with our actions, not just our words. @DrKateTO ‘)
twitter .com/MaggieKeresteci/status/1390466024907149314 (‘ 🇨🇦 Maggie Keresteci : In a pandemic you need a national strategy. In Canada, we were left with multiple strategies with provinces deciding to mitigate rather than eradicate. @ASPphysician #HCinCanada , Qc : François Legault -> #CALCULATEDRISK ‘)
twitter .com/buitengebieden_/status/1390924897350729732 ( ‘ Mobile observation platform.. 😅 ‘)
twitter .com/KCKubrick/status/1390934831224303619 ( ‘ Katharina Kubrick : I love meerkats. They’re really adorable. ‘)
twitter .com/SharkawyMD/status/1391259797706747904 ( ‘ @brittlestar : STILL TIRED OF THE PANDEMIC. Abdu Sharkawy ‘)
twitter .com/MrAhmednurAli/status/1391506391412654082 ( ‘ Dr. Ahmed Ali : Don’t blame poor policies on poor people.I don’t know wh o needs to hear this, but you don’t have to wait for the weekend for self care. ‘)
twitter .com/DrEricDing/status/1391854164955774977 ( ‘ Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding : 📍UPGRADED WARNING—@WHO has finally upgraded the warning on contagious #B1617 variant spreading in India as a “variant of concern” at the global level. Prelim studies show it can spread more easily. (WHO has asked for “vaccine escape” be retracted by CNBC) . via @Cleavon_MD ‘)
marchehua .com (‘ My friends from Hong Kong, pro-democracy are arrested by the encroachment of beijing in hong kong on 23-11-2020, they are in prison, So I share their story to help them, Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 , Agnes Chow 周庭, ?v=A0Zze86kO-U, 周庭アグネスの刑務所でのクリスマスと近況 , Ivan Lam, @benedictrogers, @lukedepulford, @nathanlawkc, @HillelNeuer, @XinqiSu, @hongkongersin, @tedhuichifung, #save12hkyouths, THANK YOU, #StandwithHongKong , 🇹🇼🤝🇨🇦, 🇹🇼🤝🇺🇸, 👍❤️ 🇹🇼 ❤️ ‘)
twitter .com/UniverCurious/status/1219022420654292995 (‘ This formation allows fish to feed and guard by taking turns. via @Cleavon_M , buitengebieden_ ‘)
twitter .com/DrEricDing/status/1391852427595374594 (‘ 🇮🇳 Dumping dead bodies in the river… is where India’s leadership has let India #COVID19 crisis spiral out of control now apparently. Someone needs to be arrested, prosecuted, & jailed. (There are verified photos of the dead bodies floating in the river too, but I won’t share her e) , MirrorNow ‘)
twitter .com/AnonyMallu/status/1391860368956223491 (‘ 🇮🇳 Dead bodies found floating near the ghats of Ganga river in Bihar’s Buxar district. NDTV’s Manish Kumar reports , @ndtv ‘)
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